Where brewing coffee at home began
When you want a stronger brew at home but don't have the space or bank for a fancy coffee machine. This is the next best option, no further discussion required.
For best results, pre boil filtered water. Fill your Bialetti boiler to just below the pressure relief valve chamber.
Pro Tip; Using boiling water will reduce the possibility of your Bialetti slowly coming up to temperature and somewhat "burning" your decaf.

Loosely fill up the basket with your ground decaf, it's best practice to fill it to the top just give it a tap tap tap on the bench to flatten and collapse the coffee. Make sure to not tamp or press it down with anything as we don't want excess resistance for the water to pass thru.
Now with boiling water and your coffee loaded up, make sure you firmly seal the top. You want to use a low flame and make sure the flame isn't wrapping around the bottom of your Moka Express.

Once you start to see your amazing decaf coming thru the spout it's time to get ready to remove the Moka Pot from the stove. We want to take the pot off the heat just before it starts to splutter, leaving the pot on the heat will create unwanted bitterness.
Then once you take it off the heat, pour it into your cup as soon as you can. Again, we want to get it away from any form of unwanted residual heat.